Template Edit

Template Edit allows the operator to edit an existing template, or create a new template.  A template is the number of variables displayed on one screen.  For example this could be a control, overtemp, or load thermocouple on a batch furnace.  Or it could be one thermocouple from eight temper furnaces.  There is not a maximum for template selections, but the number of variables displayed on one screen must be a consideration in this process.

To create a template the Add key is pressed which allows the operator to configure the following parameters.

  • Name – the name of the input, for example “Control T/C” which should be changed to the least amount of understood characters “Ctl T/C”

  • Input - the analog input that is being configured, for example on a VR5 this could be a channel from one through five.  The list of options is: TC 1 – TC 40, Averager Group 1 – Averager Group 3, Totalizer 1 – Totalizer 10, and Function Based Timer 1 – Function Based Timer 5.  Plus, with version 3.11+ of the screen software, Client 1 Process Variable, Client 1 Setpoint, Client 1 % Output – Client 10 Process Variable, Client 10 Setpoint, Client 10 % Output are available for versions 2.01+ on the VR Brick.

  • Min – the minimum displayed scale value on a chart

  • Max – the maximum displayed scale value on a chart

  • Expression – every input requires an expression to be calculated and displayed correctly.  For example an expression for thermocouple inputs would be x *.1.  Use the onscreen keyboard to enter an expression.

  • Expression Wizard – This feature will allow the operator to build an expression using either a custom curve or a regular expression.  See the “Note About Expression Wizard” below for more information about this feature.

  • Line Format – the value displayed on the chart display of the operator interface. A short custom description can be added here.  For example, to display one (1) decimal point, enter a value of “#0.0”.   For carbon values, enter a value of “#0.00” for 2 decimals.  This would display a value like “0.81”.  Entering “#.00” would display a value of “.81”.

  • Units – The type of units used for the trend.

  • Line Width – a numeric value for the thickness of the trend line. A 1 is a thin line; A higher value = thicker line width.

  • Sample – a number is entered here to test the expression.

  • Test – Press the test button to calculate the expression with the value entered in the sample parameter. For example with and expression of x*.1 and a value of 250 entered in the sample parameter will display a 25.0